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Some quick information before you enter the store. We here at USC always prioritize transparency regarding anything we offer. You'll see a vast range of products. In the description for each product, you'll notice some products are marked "LIMITED TIME" and some are marked "EVERGREEN".

What this indicates is where the money goes. Anything marked "LIMITED TIME" will only be available for purchase DURING the event. After the event concludes, those items will be taken down and all the funds received from each of those products will be pooled into the overall charity fund!

Anything that's marked as "EVERGREEN" will be available forever. Or at least until supplies last. This indicates that the funds from these products will go back into USC. All the funds from these products will go directly into the parent company costs for USC's future events.

So for simplicity’s sake:


LIMITED TIME - Charity Funds

Below are some slideshows highlighting some of the products on the page! Clicking or tapping that picture will take you to the item on the store! Otherwise, scroll up and click or tap the big orange button to go to the main store page!

If you have any further questions about where the money is going, please go to the Contact Page.

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